National Safety Council- Attitudinal Dynamics of Defensive Driving Course
Behavior-based advanced course for problem drivers
Course Description
DDC Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving is recommended most often for drivers with multiple traffic violations and those with poor driving behaviors who need a catalyst for positive change.
Newly revised, this eight-hour, highly interactive course engages students in relearning road rules along with exercises designed to help them understand the connection between choices and consequences and helps them develop a plan to change their driving choices and behaviors. Available in English and Spanish, this course is also offered in a six hour format to meet the guidelines and content requirements for court and state government traffic safety and ticket diversion programs.
Through small group discussion and active dialogue between students and instructor, this course will influence and challenge participants to change their behind-the-wheel behaviors and attitudes so they choose to drive safely, responsibly, respectfully and lawfully.
What participants will learn
This course is specifically designed for traffic violators and court referrals, as a diversion program for drivers with excessive violations, or for drivers with poor driving habits. Participants will be provided with the knowledge, skills and techniques to improve their driving-related choices, and thereby avoid collisions and decrease future violations. Learners are actively involved in evaluating their driving habits and making decisions and choices about their driving behaviors. Drivers develop personal action plans for practicing good driving behavior
Participants discuss the citations that brought them to class, test their knowledge of core traffic rules and learn that it is up to them whether they drive poorly or properly and the consequences of their choices – financial, legal, injuries and death
Same Day Defensive Driving Certificates!